Tag: Soccer

The “Drag”…

Assignment #1–watch the video of the “Drag” being practiced…Click on the word “Drag” to access the video.

Assignment #2–read the following reasons why the “Drag” is an important soccer technique…

  • Listed below, are three reasons why the “Drag” is an important soccer technique for all players to develop?
    1. An uncontrolled bouncing ball gives the attacking opponent the advantage
    2. An uncontrolled bouncing ball allows the defender to move into a tackling position to win the ball before you settle the ball
    3. A more accurate pass can, generally, be achieved from a ball on the ground versus a ball being passed while in the air

Assignment #3–come up with your own reason why the “Drag” is an important soccer skill to develop…Post your reason in the comments section (see below) of this blog.  If you are having trouble coming up with your own reason, I suggest thinking about how the “Drag” may be useful for a specific position or during a specific passage of play.

Assignment #4–For the next two weeks, practice the drag, at least once a week, on your own at home–yes this is homework…Video yourself practicing the “Drag”, post the video to youtube, & then post the link to the video in the comments section (see below) of this blog.

Assignment #5–Video yourself doing the “Drag”, post the video to youtube, & then post the link to the video in the comments section (see below) of this blog…

If you have any questions regarding this assignment, please post them in the comments section (see below) of this blog…